ArmA III – Nuke Demo

Download: ArmA III - Nuke Demo

The ArmA II nuke script ported to ArmA III. Sample mission included. It’s adjusted to work also in multiplayer.

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7 Responses to “ArmA III – Nuke Demo”

  1. Sammael sagt:

    Hi.Sorry for my bad english.I wanted to ask whether it is possible to attach the script to HEMITT and explode at a distance? Or it would be better to implement this script in what some rocket.For example attach it on the JDAM domb using in F18 Hornet addon…it will be great

  2. Moerderhoschi sagt:

    sure, both is possible. when i have time i will try to make a simple example of your request 🙂


  3. kookie sagt:

    how to activate it?

  4. Superrobb1986 sagt:

    I love this script, i had it working but it will no longer destroy anything. I must be doing something wrong, i added this to a satellite dish in the editor this addAction [„NUKE WITH DESTRUCTION ZONE“,{nuke_activated = true},this,1,true,true,““,“isNil’nuke_activated‘ „]

    The explosion works but again nothing is destroyed, I followed every step given. I even reverted back to the original RADIO ALPHA trigger that I had it working with but nothing. Any incite you could provide would be much appreciated.

    • Moerderhoschi sagt:

      Hey Superrobb1986,

      i’ve tested the demomission and the destruction of the buildings still works. i’ve tested all with A3 v1.50 Mainbranch.


  5. Luke sagt:

    Hey, i am not sure if you are active on these forums, but how do i go about making it so that when i drop say a GBU bomb from an A10, that instead of its regular explosion, this nuclear explosion takes place?

    take care, thanks:)

    • Moerderhoschi sagt:

      Hey Luke,

      you can try to use a fired eventhandler. When you add this eventhandler to a plane you can check when the plane droped a gbu. when the gbu detonate on the ground then move the nukemarker to this position and activate the nuke. This is one possible way to do it.

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